City-County Health District Board of Health
City-County Health District is governed by our Board of Health. The purpose of the Board of Health is to act as the policy-making body that enables CCHD to provide a variety of services and programs to prevent disease and injury, maintain and/or improve the health status of the general population and the environment.
The CCHD Board of Health is made up of five (5) members, including:
a physician who will be the Barnes County Health Officer (appointed by the CCHD Board of Health)
one Barnes County Commissioner (appointed by the County Commission)
one Valley City Commissioner (appointed by the City Commission)
one member of the Valley City School Board or someone appointed by the Valley City School Board,
and one member at large, appointed by the current County Commission.
Current members:
Dr. Ashley Horner - County Health Officer - Secretary
Cindy Schwehr, County Comissioner
Richard Gulmon, City Commissioner - Vice Chair
Tommy Bergan, Valley City Public Schools Board Member
Tom Overn, Member at Large - Board Chair
Annual Reports
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
All business meetings of the Board, whether regular or special, shall be open to the public. Public notice will be given in advance of all meetings. This notice will contain the date, time and location of the meeting and where practicable, the topics to be considered. A schedule of these meetings is filed with the county auditor. As soon as is practicable, a copy of the agenda will be posted outside of the meeting room. Minutes of the Health Board meetings are filed and available for review at the CCHD office as well as on the CCHD website.
2025 Minutes
2023 Agendas
2023 Minutes