Emergency Preparedness
City-County Health District works with the North Dakota Department of Health, public safety agencies, and other community groups to plan and prepare for disasters or emergency situations. This is in conjunction with local all hazards emergency planning, preparedness, and response.
City-County Health District is part of an eight-county region established by the State of North Dakota for emergency preparedness and response planning. Counties included in our region are: Barnes, Dickey, Foster, LaMoure, Logan, McIntosh, Stutsman, and Wells.
An emergency response coordinator and a public information officer serve the eight counties within the Southeast Central Region. Their work is funded in part by federal grants and is focused on public health emergencies. This is done through public education and planning which involves partnerships for enhanced regional response plans and capabilities.
For more information, contact Central Valley Health District – Emergency Preparedness.
Emergency Notifications
Barnes County offer services to inform residents of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Alerts are issued for a variety of situations, including natural disasters, terrorism threats, gas leaks, water contamination, chemical spills, missing child alerts, severe weather such as tornadoes and flash flooding, and for general community notifications.