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Environmental Health

City-County Health District contracts with Central Valley Health District (CVHD) for all environmental health services.


The mission of the Environmental Health Division is to protect human health and the environment through prevention of disease, injury, and illness by the promotion of scientific evidence-based practices and education. 


Central Valley Health District provides environmental health services and education in Southeast Central North Dakota for: BarnesDickeyFosterLaMoureLoganMcIntoshStutsman, and Wells


All licensed facility inspections completed by CVHD are a matter of public record.


Please visit the Central Valley Health website for more information on environmental health services.


Barnes County Septic Permits:

Permits are available at City-County Health District 415 2nd AVE NE, Ste. 101 Valley City, ND. Visit the front desk to purchase or call 701-845-8518 for more information.

Who Can Purchase Permits:

  • Licensed Septic Installers may purchase permits.  Please visit the Central Valley Health website for a list of licensed septic installers.

  • Property-owners may purchase a permit and install a system on their property.  For self-installation, owners must contact Central Valley Health at 701-252-8130 before they can be issued a permit.

  • Property-owners may purchase a permit for a licensed contractor to install a system on their property (contractor must be listed on permit prior to issue).

Permit Costs:

  • $150 system installation/repair

  • $125 holding tank/septic tank replacement


Food Safety Recalls:

City-County Health District

415 2nd Avenue NE, Ste. 101
Valley City, ND 58072

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