WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
Not sure if you are eligible? The WIC PreScreening Tool can help you determine if you may be eligible.
The WIC Program aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
Clients receive an individualized food package and nutrition education. Families must meet income guidelines and be screened for a nutritional risk.
Appointments are necessary, please call (701) 845-8518.
1. You must be a:
pregnant woman;
breastfeeding woman (up to one year after giving birth)
new mother (up to six months after giving birth)
parent, guardian or caretaker who has an infant or child younger than 5 years of age
2. You must have a nutritional health risk. The WIC Staff will be able to find a risk by checking your height, weight and iron level and having you answer some health and diet questions.
3. Your annual household income must be within WIC Income Eligilbity Guidelines which are based on gross income unless you are self-employed. Note: You may have a job and still meet these guidelines .
If you receive Medical Assistance (Medicaid), TANF, SNAP, or Healthy Steps, you are income eligible for WIC even if your income is above these guidelines. [Note: If you are pregnant, you can add one more person to the size of your household.]
Did you know WIC offers the following?
1. Healthy Food + Nutrition Tips
WIC helps you feed your family healthy meals by providing:
Monthly food benefits on an eWIC card to use at your local grocery store
Recipes and ideas on how to use the WIC foods
Tips for picky eating
2. A Community of Support
WIC offers a network of experts for information and guidance:
Nutritionists provide personalized nutrition counseling
Breastfeeding specialists to help you breastfeed successfully
Individual assessment of growth and health
3. Referrals
WIC offers information about other helpful services including:
Health care professionals such as doctors, dentists, and lactation consultants
Immunization services
Local social service programs including Medical Assistance, SNAP, and housing assistance.
WIC Program | Health and Human Services North Dakota